Friday, July 11, 2008

iPhone Dream

I have decided not to buy the new 3G iPhone. I think it's a great phone, but too expensive - the monthly plan, that is. Even the cheapest plan, after taxes, will be nearly $90 a month. Since the features are not essential, I will stick with my current RAZR until it fails.

Last night I had a dream about buying an iPhone. I was walking past an Apple store, when on a whim I walked in and got on line to buy an iPhone. Fortunately I woke up before I was able to buy it.

I suppose this dream means I really want one. Or all the iPhone coverage is embedding the device in my mind.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy Birthday

From Thursday until today I spent my time at a boy scout camp, where my son was for the week. Boy Scouts do a lot of singing and skits, as well as outdoor activities. Sometimes it can get corny, but for the most part, the boys are into it, and I think it probably builds social and public skills.

On Friday morning, July 4th, breakfast was particularly nice. First one troop sang 'America the Beautiful'. Then, after grace, we sang happy birthday, recited the pledge of allegiance, and then sang the Star-Spangled Banner. All in recognition of the birthday of America. It was really nice, and I must admit, I became teary eyed. I'm not sure, but maybe being with a few hundred boy scouts all singing their hearts out for our country had something to do with it.

I'm the first to criticize all the bad things our country does, but I also feel we have a unique history worth celebrating. Plus, if you are going to live here, by all means criticize away, but also have faith in your country.